Memorial videos

Create a compelling memorial video today by adding family photos or using 1Director's image, music, and text library. Easily edit in your browser and collaborate in real time with others.

All the features you need.

Unlike other obituary writers, 1Director pulls data directly from case management, reducing errors and saving time.

Unlimited videos
HD quality
Free stock imagery
Quote library
Memorial themes
Premium stock music
Unlimited videos

Unlimited videos

Create an infinite number of memorial videos with 1Director's funeral memorial video app, ensuring that every cherished memory is captured and shared.

HD exporting + streaming

Showcase your tribute videos in stunning high definition with seamless exporting and streaming capabilities, providing a visually immersive experience for viewers.

Stock image library

Stock image collection

Enhance the visual storytelling of your memorial videos with a rich stock image collection, offering a diverse range of images to complement and personalize each tribute.

Stock text library

Poem, prayer, and quote library

Add emotional depth to your memorial videos by selecting poignant words from a comprehensive library of poems, prayers, and quotes, creating a touching narrative.

Memorial theme library

Choose from a variety of memorial themes within the video library, allowing you to tailor the visual aesthetic of your videos to suit the unique character of each individual being honored.

Stock music library

Premium stock music

Elevate the emotional resonance of your memorial videos by incorporating premium stock music, providing a fitting and impactful soundtrack to accompany the visual memories.

Auto-create option

Simplify the video creation process with the auto-create option, letting 1Director build a heartfelt memorial video for you using the loved one's photos, saving time and ensuring a beautifully crafted tribute.

Frequently asked questions

Unlimited. There are no limitations on the number of memorial videos you can create. Our platform allows you to commemorate as many lives as needed, ensuring a personalized tribute for each individual.
Yes. Enjoy a visually immersive experience. Our Memorial Video Builder supports high-definition exporting and streaming, ensuring that the videos showcase your tributes with clarity and detail.
Absolutely. Personalize the emotional resonance of your memorial videos with your own music or our platform's premium stock music collection. Choose the perfect soundtrack to accompany each tribute.
Yes. Unlock a world of creative possibilities with our advanced tools. Not only can you remove the guardrails for complete customization, but you also have access to a selection of transitions, text options, and a stock photo library. Tailor each memorial video with precision and creativity to capture the essence of each individual's life.
The auto-create option streamlines the video creation process by automatically building a heartfelt memorial video for you. It selects appropriate elements, such as transitions, music, and visuals, based on the information provided, saving you time and ensuring a beautifully crafted tribute without the need for manual input.