Family collaboration

1Director's case management features work together to streamline the process of collaborating with families, managing funeral arrangements, and handling invoicing and payments.

All the features you need.

All your data is streamlined across every touchpoint.

Online arrangements
Photo + music sharing
Obituary collaboration
Data contribution
Memorial review
Theme selection
Online arrangements

Online arrangements

Simplify the funeral planning process for your families with 1Director's online arrangements platform, enabling them to make arrangements seamlessly from the comfort of their homes.

Photo and music sharing

Easy photo and music sharing

Share precious memories effortlessly by uploading photos and music for your loved one's funeral on our intuitive online platform, ensuring a personal and stress-free experience.

Obituary collaboration

Give your input on the obituary with ease, approving and providing feedback online to ensure the tribute truly captures the essence of your loved one without any complications.

Decedent details

Add decedent details

Inputting details about your loved one is a breeze with our straightforward interface, providing a hassle-free way to ensure accurate and complete information for funeral arrangements.

Review stationery and video

Let family review stationery and videos

Customize stationery and memorial videos effortlessly by allowing your family to review and make personalized choices through our simple and user-friendly collaboration platform.

Memorial themes

Families can pick memorial themes online

Express your preferences effortlessly by choosing a memorial theme that resonates with your loved one, making the funeral experience more meaningful and personalized with just a few clicks.

Frequently asked questions

Simply log in to 1Director's online family collaboration tool, where you'll find a user-friendly interface to guide you through the funeral arrangement process. Follow the intuitive steps to make arrangements from the comfort of your home.
Absolutely! Our platform is designed for easy collaboration. Invite family members to review and personalize stationery and memorial videos, allowing everyone to share their input and create a tribute that reflects the unique essence of your loved one.
As a funeral director, guide families to the dedicated section on our online collaboration tool where they can effortlessly choose a memorial theme that resonates with their loved one. Our platform is designed to make the selection process simple and meaningful for both you and the families you serve.
Yes. We prioritize the security and privacy of our users. Families have the option to set a password for their account during the initial setup. Additionally, our platform allows users to update their password at any time, providing flexibility and control over the access to their account information. Your peace of mind and confidentiality are important to us.